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Small and Medium Sized Enterprise (SME) Grant received from Japan's Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry for next generation technologies

Scinet Company has received a grant from METI that is specifically tailored for SMEs that are engaged in the research and development of "next generation" technologies. METI has been providing this grant with an effort to spearhead the growth of new technologies with the objective for Japan to maintain its globally competitive status. The following privileges are provided to recipients of this grant as cited below:

(1) Qualified for special loans issued by Japan Finance Corporation, a special lending facility
(2) Reduced patent costs - Reduction of royalties -
(3) Credit guarantee will be solid. - Exceptions for Small and Medium Enterprise Credit Insurance Law -
(4) Special Provisions for investment funds - Small Business Investment Corporation Act
(5) Increased loan limit for industrial equipments
(6) Increased bidding opportunities where SMEs are qualified to bid with higher priority



(1) 特別貸付を受けることができます。~日本政策金融公庫特別貸付制度~
(2) 特許費用がお安くなります。 ~特許料の軽減~
(3) 信用保証が厚くなります。 ~中小企業信用保険法の特例~
(5) 設備資金の貸付が増えます。~小規模企業者等設備導入資金助成法の特例~
(6) 入札参加機会の拡大が期待できます。中小企業者のために、特例を設け、高いランクの入札に参加できるようになります。

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